Rifle Range Rules
- Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction downrange. Muzzle discipline must be practiced at all times especially when conducting movement with a firearm. Flagging others with your muzzle will not be tolerated.
- Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
- Always keep the firearm unloaded until ready to use.
- During any movement, all firearms shall be visibly unloaded (bolt back, magazine out) until it is the competitor’s turn to shoot unless otherwise specified in a specific course of fire.
- Range indicator must be used at all times when downrange for any reason.
- Do not handle firearms when anyone is downrange or forward of the firing line.
- Both sides of the range are considered one range.
- Entire firing line on both ranges must be safe before any person proceeds downrange or forward of the firing line.
- Anyone observing an unsafe situation can and should call a cease fire at any time and during any event.
- No expolsive, reactive or any hazard producing targets permitted at any time. All targets (and pieces of targets) must be completely removed from the property once shooting is complete.
- All targets to be placed so rounds will impact into the berms.
- Eye and ear protection required.
- No illicit or recreational drugs permitted on the property.
- No alcoholic beverages permitted during active shooting hours.
- Keep all ranges clean at all times. Pick up all trash and police your brass.
- “Cold” status: Firearm visibly unloaded with bolt/slide back and no magazine inserted.
- “Hot” status: Firearm loaded with a round in the chamber, magazine inserted, bolt closed, and firearm on safe.
- “Abandoned” status: Any firearm that is not under complete control (hands-on) of the shooter. Any firearm must be on safe or rendered “cold” before it is abandonded for any reason.
- Anyone carrying concealed or open must comply with Pennsylvania state firearms laws.
- No incendiary or armor piercing ammunition is to be used.
- No armor piercing or incendiary ammunition permitted.
- No 50-caliber BMG permitted.
- No automatic fire permitted.
- Professionalism and sportsmanship is expected at all times. All range and event staff, shooters, and spectators must be treated with respect at all times.
- Speed limit on club grounds is 10MPH.
- Park vehicles in parking lot and designated areas.
Coal Mountain Ranch is the home range of